Why you should stop focusing on your problems

Why You Should Stop Focusing On Your Problems By Emma Hypno On September 14, 2014 ¡

How you can help yourself overcome anxiety and depression by understanding why you should stop focusing on your problems.

“Have you ever been caught by someone picking a scab and they’ve scorned – “don’t pick it” and it’s true isn’t it, if we persist in picking that scab, not only does it hurt, but the healing process is delayed – but there is something irresistible about picking a scab.  This rather childish analogy does actually go a long way to explaining why you should stop focussing on problems. Zits, spots, pimples, acne – what does everyone say? “don’t pick them”, “don’t squeeze them”, and we know they are right, but it is very difficult to resist.  But even worse than with a scab, pick a zit and not only does it hurt and make it worse, but it also spreads, the bacteria infects the surrounding areas and we can end up with even more spots.Sorry, I know it’s a bit of a gross subject, picking scabs and zits, but it is an apt analogy for why we shouldn’t keep going over and over our problems – mostly it keeps hurting, it will make them worse and can even spread the feelings into more anxiety and depression and aggravate whatever symptom you are experiencing which could be OCD, IBS, eating disorders, over eating, anger and in particular insomnia and sleep disorders.Take insomnia and sleep disorders as an example – when you can’t sleep at night or you wake up in the middle of the night – why is that?  Have you got thoughts going around and around in your head?  Do you keep going over some problem or another or keep thinking about something or someone who has upset you?Just like someone says to you ‘Stop it’, when you’re picking a scab or spot – stop thinking about the problems, it’s not going to change anything.The solutions is not in the problem, so going over and over the problem, over analysing it, is not going to solve it but most probably, your imagination will step in and you start imagining lots of different scenarios, taking it to the worst possible scenario.  We need a different part of our brain to come up with solutions.Have you ever done this?  You’re expecting someone to call, a family member or loved one, partner or child perhaps, or you said you would call them, but then they don’t call or you can’t get hold of them.  What happens – well, initially you might just brush it off, staying logical and tell yourself they’ve got delayed, their battery might be dead, they can’t call right now and so you wait.As time goes on and you still haven’t heard, your anxiety levels start to rise, you start to worry and slowly you lose intellectual control and the part of your brain responsible for the fight/flight systems starts to step in and this part of your brain always works within the parameters of anxiety, depression or anger – so you could get angry with them, you might feel miserable and tell your self things like, well they don’t care or you start to worry about why.  But significantly, your imagination then starts to work with your fight/flight systems and you start imagining why they are out of contact, you might start imagining all sorts of scenarios of what’s happened, you might even start imagining what they are thinking or why they haven’t called – your imagination runs wild – but your brain doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality, so you believe you and you think these things are actually true and your anxiety levels increase any further to the point of obsession.The actual reality is usually fine and there is some simple explanation, but you have been to hell and back in the meantime with your imagination and did you find the answer there – no!The same is true when we focus on our problems, our imagination steps in, but in a very negative way and imagines everything else which could go wrong as a result, we make it into a catastrophe, we imagine the worst possible scenario and the problems grow and spread, increasing our anxiety, depression or anger – will you find the answer there – no!The intellectual mind is the part of your brain which will come up with solutions, can work it out and will know what to do, it is your job to access that part of your brain.You know the old saying ‘sleep on it’, very good advice.  When you go to sleep at night, to put it simply, during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the brain reorganises everything from the day before, sorts it out and puts it in perspective and when you wake up in the morning, you often feel better about the problem from the day before or have a better idea of what to do.   OK, so this doesn’t always work as effectively as it should, but that’s  because there is just too much worrying for your mind to deal with in just one session and you then continue nurturing the problems by going over and over them, but it does help.  Another self help is exercise and spending time with friends and family – going for a long walk or run, cycle, swim etc or go and see a friend, spend time with some family.

If you do, it will help two fold, positive activity (exercise and hobbies) and positive interaction (spending time with friends and family) will help engage that intellectual part of your brain which can come up with solutions and distracting yourself with something more pleasurable which doesn’t hurt will also stop you picking the scab and going over and over the problems.

You cannot come up with a solution while you are thinking of the problem, they just don’t go together, you have to stop the problem thinking before you can engage the solution thinking.  Your brain is already aware of the problem you need to solve or resolve – give it credit, you don’t need to keep reminding it and throwing in a whole load of imagined problems.  Distract yourself with something pleasurable and fun and let your vast intellect do what it is so well designed to do.

I understand that if you have been in the habit of focussing on your problems for a long time, it can be incredibly difficult to stop doing that, this is where hypnotherapy helps.  Solution focused hypnotherapy can help you find the solutions from within.


Source: Why you should stop focusing on your problems

Treatment for Depression

In the light of the tragic death of Robin Williams it is so very ironic that someone who made us all laugh so much eventually takes his own life as a result of his own depression. So many people suffer in silence with this deadly condition which can increase in severity when no help is sought. Depressive thoughts and feelings spin round and round in the mind, often becoming trapped, unheard and unanswered. Many people see it as weak to allow anyone to know that they have a problem or that it is just them who is suffering while ‘the rest of us’ somehow have a perfect life.
Just one session could be enough for you to begin making some changes and although there is very little available on the NHS, the cost of a private session with a quality therapist is very little when compare to the cost of a hair cut or an evening out.
I so wish there was more therapy available for everyone and that people felt no shame in asking for it. I offer therapy for treatment of depression allowing a longer time per session in order to ensure that some progress is made at each appointment. Sometimes it can take a while to reach a moment of self realisation or understanding and having to watch the clock can result in that moment not being achieved.

Please do feel feel to email or call me if you are suffering now and please lets find you some happiness 🙂




Insomnia can be linked to depression.

Recent research indicates that insomnia has a high occurrence in people suffering from depression and anxiety. Where as it is not clear whether insomnia triggers the onset of symptoms, lack of sleep can certainly add to the overall feeling of being unable to cope or finding the motivation and energy to make the necessary changes.

Therapy that looks to change the sleep patterns through relaxation techniques, behavioual interventions and cognitive awareness have been successful in not only giving the sufferer a better nights sleep, but also in finding relief from depressive feelings and worry. Waking up feeling refreshed can make an enormous difference to your life.

Hypnotherapy for Depression

Hypnotherapy for Depression.

With increasing numbers of people suffering from both short term bouts or longer term depression, hypnosis can offer an alternative to more traditional analysis forms of therapy.

Often therapy focuses on the whys and wherefores for the condition, which of course it would be good to know, but what is the use of knowing why something has happened without the solutions to change and solve the issues…it’s a bit like a plumber telling you you have a leak in your pipe because there is a hole in it, but not actually stopping the dripping water!

My therapy mixes the best techniques from hypnotherapy, CBT and NLP, giving you new ways to view your self and your perception of the world around you. Many people experience changes in just 4 weeks and although this alternative treatment isn’t available through the NHS (yet), 4 weeks to change your life is well worth the investment. My appointments are not timed as I look for progress to be made within each session.

As with any therapy, all you need to have is a belief that you can get better and together we can understand what you need to change in order to achieve your goal. Those changes may be very small at first, but if you are prepared to commit to the program, you will find each new thought or idea soon grows into a more substantial positive feeling.

Remember if you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always got, so just keeping on in this same pattern of depression and hoping it will somehow get better without you changing, will be unlikely to work. If you feel ready to move forward, then please contact me.

Bunny Besley Bsc (Hons) Clinical Hypnotherapy