Following government guidelines for lock down on 5th November 2020 I am able to offer appointments face to face or over Facetime and whatsapp. If you are in the vulnerable category or in direct contact with a person who is, only video appointments can be offered.
A health and safety appraisal has been conducted and the following precautions :
- Hand sanitiser will be provided on entry and exit from the premises.
- The therapy chair will be covered for each appointment and this cover will be washed after every use.
- There will be an hour between every appointment during which time the room will be cleansed and aired according to the government guidelines.
- Please bring a bottle of water with you, if you do need water this will be provided in a glass from the dishwasher and my hands will be sanitised.
- The chairs will be at least 1m apart and that distance will be observed at all times.
- All areas will be fully sanitised between every appointment and disposable hand towels used in the toilet.
- Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell in any way including cold, flu or sickness symptoms.
- Every precaution will be taken by me to keep alert and safe in my personal life and to observe my own temperature and health.