Gastric Band Hypnosis

Gastric Band Hypnosis

I have noticed a recent increase in people wishing to loss weight through hypnosis and particularly the gastric band techniques. These techniques have had a recent surge of interest through the press and many people do indeed regain control of their eating habits in this way.

I offer 2 different approaches weigh loss for my clients.

You can chose between a one off 2.5 hour session which covers all aspects of your issue and concludes with a virtual gastric band fitting, or a more comprehensive 3 – 4 session package which looks at other related emotional and personal issues before the fitting of the band. The choice really depends on how deep rooted you feel your eating problems are and if you are looking for increased motivation and belief, or looking for a deeper understanding or self.

I would recommend you simply give me a call and we can look at what is best for you, or if you would prefer, email me for more information. It is important that you feel comfortable with any therapist as this will increase the effectiveness of treatment so do feel free to ask me any questions.



Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bladder

Hypnotherapy for irritable bladder is centered around the initiating event that is often associated with fear or anxiety and the subsequent avoidant behaviours and habits that serve to maintain and even escalate the symptoms.

This debilitating condition can often lead to the sufferer being unable to make journeys or visit any place where they are unsure that they will have immediate access to the toilet. This can have a drastic effect on their lives and many people suffer in silence believing that it is something they are destined to suffer forever.

A program of 4 sessions of hypnotherapy and CBT will help you reduce the symptoms and enable you to get a better understanding of the condition and to work with it, rather than fearing it, which only serves to make it worse.

Obviously you need to be aware of when your bladder is getting full, but it is not always necessary to empty your bladder immediately. Unfortunately, people with irritable bladder tend to reduce the amount of water they drink and this can cause high levels of chemicals which aggravates the condition.

Looking at the problem including  psychological and behavioural analysis and finding new ways to cope through hypnotherapy techniques, is a simple and effective method to give you back your life, so please do call or email me if you would like more information.



Hypnotherapy Stopping for Worrying

Hypnotherapy for worrying, or rather should I say, to alleviate worry!

Worrying is one of the main causes for stress and anxiety and is connected with the desire to be prepared. A low level of worrying can be very useful and can ensure you are fully able to get the best from your life, but when it is focused on trying to avoid all worst case scenarios and potential disasters, many people find they can’t switch off from the perpetual circle of possible catastrophes.

Hypnotherapy for worrying can help you find the root causes for these issues and learn to change your thought patterns through a process of awareness and acceptance.

Often these worries are developed at a time when we are reacting to the world around us through how we ‘feel’, such as when we are children, rather than what we know to be logical and rational as adults. These habits are then maintained through by placing the feelings of worrying on everyday situations and if left unchecked they can become overwhelming.

Most people find they can make a significant difference through hypnotherapy in as little as four weeks and these changes can make a profound impact upon their lives. It takes courage to ask for help, but if you find you are thinking about therapy and want to find out more, please email me or give me a call.



Hypnotherapy for Compulsive Habits

Hypnotherapy for Compulsive Behaviours.

Time To Quit SmokingMany people find that the initial motivation to stop a compulsive behaviour such as smoking or gambling can become reduced over time and they give in to that ‘one’ cigarette or equivalent.

Each action in our lives is a result of an impulse which gives way to a reaction. Compulsion arises when the impulse causes us to take a course of action which we no longer desire to take, but lack the motivation to control.

With compulsion these responses have become an ingrained habit on which we have placed some perceived value or use. The habit is maintained by holding on to this perceived benefit despite the evidence against it.

The smoker may believe that they need a cigarette to manage stress, others may be chasing a perceived high, the gambler may be chasing that big win, but they all build up a positive expectation and anticipation that the habit will achieve. It is very rare that we will maintain a habit without anticipation of positive reward, even if this positive reward is very infrequent. It is interesting to note that damage to a certain part of the brain which is believed to be connected to the ability to anticipate certain emotional states, ceases any previous compulsion.

The impulses to indulge in certain activities can be triggered by various thoughts (including emotions), behaviours or environments and this forms a conditioned response to the habit.

When we first give up a habit our motivation is high and this can be elevated and embedded in the subconscious by hypnosis, but as time passes we may lose sight of our motivation and when faced with a behaviour trigger the person may slip up.

It is important, therefore to be aware of your personal triggers and to strengthen your motivations prior to being faced with them. You may choose to remind yourself each day/week using affirmations, or many people find that their resolve to quit the habit is increased when they see another person out of control with their own compulsions. Some choose to attend meetings. Each day a person breaks the habit, new neural pathways are strengthened and feelings of personal efficacy are heightened.

If a slip up occurs you must not attribute this to personal negative attributes such as ‘I am no good at this’, ‘it is too hard for me’, ‘I am a failure’ or any other personally damming statements.

One slip does not equal failure, only that you were not prepared for that trigger and you need to plan for future obstacles. You are on the pathway of stopping and you must remember that each journey has its obstacles and pot holes which need to be overcome, you do not need to run back to the beginning and start again!

Hypnotherapy can increase motivation and decrease desire, working with both conscious and subconscious patterns of thoughts, beliefs and behaviour.

Hypnotherapy for Fear and Phobias

Hypnotherapy for fear and phobias.

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective tool in the treatment of fear related conditions. Fear is a natural emotion, designed to protect us from danger, but when this is attached to illogical or irrational triggers, the effect can be very disruptive to your life.

It is important that we remember what makes us frightened, since if we were still living in the wild, our immediate response to any sign of danger could be the difference between life and death (standing around trying to remember if you should find a lion a threat would not be a good idea.)

Any memory embedded with fear is recalled faster and with more strength to ensure we react to the trigger and if these memories are created as a small child, a child will react to how they ‘feel’ without question. For example, a child may not like the look of a clown, if that clown then comes up to the child and shouts BOO!!, causing them to jump, you have the seeding of a clown phobia. The child will now feel fear every time they see a clown and this neurological pathway becomes embedded  The adult realises that the fear is irrational, but since this response has grown over time in the subconscious mind, they are not able to simply stop the immediate fear reaction.

Hypnosis works by allowing the mind to reevaluate the response on all levels, freeing the person from the conditioned response and breaking the pattern of behaviour.

This process is successful for any fear related condition, such as fear embedded through watching a scary film at a young age,  fear related panic attacks, or any phobic response.

The treatment takes around 4 sessions depending on the individual and appointments are available week days, evenings and weekends.

Bunny Besley

Tel  : 07748647489

Hypnotherapy for Panic Attacks.

Hypnotherapy for panic attacks.

Hypnosis can be a very effective tool for the treatment of panic attacks and other physical manifestations of stress and anxiety issues.

The physical symptoms of the panic attacks can often lead to fear of loss of control or even death, as the effects can be similar to heart attack or strokes. The quick, shallow breathing causes hyperventilation which leads to respiratory alkalosis, which may cause a number of physical symptoms: dizziness, tingling in the lips, hands or feet, headache, weakness, fainting and seizures.

Often panic attacks become so ingrained in the subconscious that they seemingly happen without warning and without the ability to be controlled. Hypnotherapy allows this process to be effectively slowed down and studied from a detached prospective, giving back the control to the person and allowing new neurological pathways to be created.

Understanding all aspects of the condition, from it’s inception to it’s current infliction, enables you to make changes to the often illogical and irrational thoughts and behaviours that have become attached to certain triggers, which result in these recurrent panic attacks.

Hypnotherapy can be a fast and effective treatment, often taking only 4 sessions to make real, long term changes to those old, unwanted habits.

I have appointments available day times, evenings and weekends, so if you would like to email or call me I would be delighted to discuss your issue further.



Hypnotherapy for Depression

Hypnotherapy for Depression.

With increasing numbers of people suffering from both short term bouts or longer term depression, hypnosis can offer an alternative to more traditional analysis forms of therapy.

Often therapy focuses on the whys and wherefores for the condition, which of course it would be good to know, but what is the use of knowing why something has happened without the solutions to change and solve the issues…it’s a bit like a plumber telling you you have a leak in your pipe because there is a hole in it, but not actually stopping the dripping water!

My therapy mixes the best techniques from hypnotherapy, CBT and NLP, giving you new ways to view your self and your perception of the world around you. Many people experience changes in just 4 weeks and although this alternative treatment isn’t available through the NHS (yet), 4 weeks to change your life is well worth the investment. My appointments are not timed as I look for progress to be made within each session.

As with any therapy, all you need to have is a belief that you can get better and together we can understand what you need to change in order to achieve your goal. Those changes may be very small at first, but if you are prepared to commit to the program, you will find each new thought or idea soon grows into a more substantial positive feeling.

Remember if you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always got, so just keeping on in this same pattern of depression and hoping it will somehow get better without you changing, will be unlikely to work. If you feel ready to move forward, then please contact me.

Bunny Besley Bsc (Hons) Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

Trait anxiety or neuroticism, has been sited by Digman (1990) as one of 5 core dimensions of personalities and low levels of anxiety are useful in that it encourages us to think through our actions and be well prepared, particularly when we are face with potential challenges or dangers.

These useful levels of anxiety become increased when a person is over attentive to possible sources of threat and makes unrealistic appraisals and interpretations about the potential danger of external and internal events. This is often as a result of past experiences or influence from worries of those who are close to us and this can set a pattern or excessive worry and anxiety.

An anxious person is likely to see the worst case scenario in future events and predict catastrophic outcomes even when the evidence for this is unsupported.

There a many issues that can be labeled anxiety and the basic feeling of anxiety can branch into many different areas such as phobias, panic attacks, OCDs and PTSD. Anxiety can also lead to the client developing somatic symptoms such as IBS.

In order to treat the anxiety effectively the client must become fully aware of it and how it affects the three key areas  of physiological, cognitive and behavioual reactions.

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective tool in the treatment of a wide variety of anxiety and stress related issues. In the modern world people often suffer from the effects of increase adrenaline levels associated with our primeval survival reactions and the subsequent effect of a build up of these hormones can lead to such conditions as panic attacks, IBS, asthma and a variety of skin conditions.

High stress levels also affect the immune system leaving people feeling tired and run down.

Hypnotherapy and CBT techniques address the underlying patterns of thought and behaviour that maintain these issues and seek to find alternative ways to cope and to change the processes that have held you in that perpetual worry.

The treatment can be effective in as little as 4 weeks and my service offers you personal one to one sessions and detailed email back up.


Qualified Hypnotherapist

Qualified Hypnotherapist.

Having read in the papers this weekend about the so called hypnotherapist who assaulted a woman during a therapy session, I too feel incensed at the lack of regulation within the industry. There are only a few unethical practitioners but it must seem a daunting task for the person who is seeking help through hypnosis to be able to trust that the person that they chose knows what they are doing and is capable of providing treatment that is both ethical and effective.

It was for this very reason that after a years course in hypnosis, I chose to extend my studies to gain a degree in the subject which covered a broad spectrum of psychology, including a scientific education in the functioning of the brain and the endocrine system. The course also required us to undertake a scientific research project which I produced on the effects of hypnosis on memory.

Since I finished the degree, the University no longer offers the course, which is a great pity and it is my wish that it will be reinstated at some point in the future so we can put an end to uncertainty and potential harm that the poorly trained therapist can do.


Hypnotherapy as a Scientifically Proven Therapy.

Hypnotherapy as a Scientifically Proven Therapy

The field of hypnosis has an unfortunate reputation for being ‘mythical and magical’. This can often undermine the scientific reasons behind it’s therapeutic uses and can put people off, who may be frightened that I could in some way control their minds while they entered into some zombie like trance.

Clinical hypnosis, when used by fully trained therapists, can produce some amazing results simply by turning your outward focus in on yourself and giving your mind some new neural pathways to create the possibility for change. I have studied the subject for 3 years, gaining a 1st class honours degree, which included a detailed research project in order to advance the scientific evidence for use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool

It is one of the quickest forms of therapy, producing profound changes, often in as little as 4 sessions. During your treatment, I give you all the tools to enable you to gain new insights and break through old thought patterns, which may have been automatically occurring due to past perceptions.

If you are reading this, then you are considering the possibility of using hypnosis for the change you desire, so don’t be put off by those ‘showmen’ and do try it out for yourself! I am based in Colchester, Lexden but may be able to travel or recommend a similarly qualified therapist in your area.


University Again!!

I took a brave step this Autumn and returned to University to study Clinical Hypnotherapy at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. This degree course is the first formally recognised qualification in hypnotherapy and I’m sure in time it will become the bench mark for the profession.

Hypnosis has, until now, had courses run by a variety of hypnotherapy schools, the best of which are approved by associations such as the GHR. GHR and other similar associations, have strict regulations for their members, which covers their basic training standards and ongoing professional courses and awareness.

Whilst there are many wonderful therapists out there, hypnosis still suffers from this lack of regulation and this leads to the therapy often not being recognised by other health professionals, for its scientifically proven success in treating many neurosis.

This university degree is a huge step forward in recognition of Hypnosis, and it is my sincere hope that in time you will be able to receive treatment through the NHS. I am proud to be one of the first people who will receive a degree in the subject and I am looking forward to wearing that gown again!

xx Bunny xx

Time Management

The Summer is a very hectic time for me, with four children to organise and all my usual work commitments to cope with too, I can end up rushing about all day, feeling I have achieved nothing!

I find it of real benefit to have just one task, that I ensure I target myself to complete each day and that way I give myself the satisfaction of achieving. This task is usually something small that I am confident that I can do and I would easily finish. By specifically focusing on this task, I give myself a greater feeling of achievement.

Many people take on too much and end up feeling that they are getting bogged down and can’t cope. It is important in life to break things down into bite size chunks in order to give yourself the ideal platform for greater well being and happiness!

My task today is to get to the bank!!

x Bunny x

Web Stress!!

Here I am, up late again, trawling through the complexities of the internet!!

With so much of our lives controlled by the web, it is essential that I can be seen on as many sites as possible… but I realise that I now need a full “ology” in web marketing too!!!

I must consider writing a technical phobia program!!!

Off to bed now with a glass of wine and a busy head… time for some sleep self hypnosis I guess!!

xx Bunny xx

Driving Test Stress!!

Driving Test Stress

I was almost feeling sick with nerves yesterday morning ,knowing that my daughter was taking her test! I remembered the fear I had felt many years previous and that memory still burns strongly. I could recall the moment  in such detail, the test and the examiner and the moment when I made that decision to overtake the bicycle on that hill, and the sound as the examiner sucked in sharply through his teeth and the sinking feeling in my heart!!

Unlike my daughter, who passed her first test, I had to retake mine 4 weeks later!

It is an interesting point, that our stronger memories are burnt through the release of powerful chemicals in our bodies, such as fear, anger and joy. In the most part this is a useful occurrence since we need to remember to avoid fearful situations, however, that which a child might find fearful may not be frightening to an adult.

Since we are burning memories from the day we are born, it is a wise idea that an adult spends sometime reflecting on their life and addressing any patterns which may have been set by a 2,3,4 year old and releasing themselves from them!

Hypnosis is an amazing way to undertake this process and through careful guidance any irrational fears, worries and nervous habits can be erased and overwritten by the adult self! I doubt you would allow a child to make important decisions for you now….

x Bunny x

Hypnotherapy for Smoking

Hypnotherapy for Smoking

During my work with smokers, I find many people say to me “that voice within me, that wants to keep me a smoker is so strong. I know I want to give up and I start out so well, but after a few weeks, that voice of temptation starts to shout louder and louder and I end up giving in to it, feeling disappointed and frustrated.”

That voice comes from your smoking identity, that voice is the voice that put you on the path of smoking in the first place. When you smoked that first cigarette, it was disgusting, you coughed and choked, it tasted awful, it may have given you a headache or even made you feel sick, your body recognised the poison you were inputting into it.

But that voice spoke up, you wanted to be a smoker, to be part of the ‘in crowd’, to be cool, to be like your friends or the people you admired, you wanted to be a rebel, to be grown up and you wanted these things at all costs.

So you managed to switch off your poison receptors, through the strength of this voice and this continues to rest within your subconscious beliefs and identities. This voice had to become so powerful, that it changed your perception of smoking, shutting down your natural senses and ignoring all the health issues.

Through hypnosis you are able to reset these self saboutaging beliefs and allow your new preference to be a non smoker, to have the stonger motivation and identity.

Many people put off the day when they will become a non smoker, fearing the change, but I would say to you that if you aren’t intending to be a smoker all your life, then why put off that day? The only time that exists is now, and whether you stop smoking ‘now’, or when at a ‘now’ in the future, ‘now’ is always ‘now’….